Kontakt: Aleš Mencinger – Menci
Tel.: (+386) 40 229 602
e-mail: achilles.spearguns (at) gmail.com
Kontakt: Aleš Mencinger – Menci
Tel.: (+386) 40 229 602
e-mail: achilles.spearguns (at) gmail.com
Reverse trigger mechanism for wooden speargun is in the final phase of development and production! It will be ready in a few weeks lease wait for posted pictures and all the other technical details. It is an reverse trigger mechanism of high load capacity with a classic installation, without pins.
More on this very soon…
Achilles is also preparing a new series of spearguns named ACHILLES INVERSO! The new series will be produced in three traditional lengths, which will be available in April 2013th.
Podvodni lov v plitvem morju, s tehniko zalezovanja ribe, nekateri ga poznajo tudi pod kratkim imenom “šunja”, je priljubljena oblika lova, ki lahko daje izvrstne rezultate.
Zahteva potrpežljivost in vztrajnost lovca, saj mora biti njegova pozornost usmerjena na dokaj široko območje vidnega polja.
Ribe se namreč lahko pojavijo iz vseh smeri; iz globine, po površini, iz smeri odprtega morja, po površju za krajem, lahko so skrite za kamni ali robovi, lahko so v luknjah. Pogoj za srečevanje lovca z ribami, pri tej obliki lova, je njegovo tiho in umirjeno gibanje ob hkratnem pozornem opazovanju dogajanja v okolici.
Kljub temu bo marsikatera riba preplašeno odplavala proč, kar naj ne bo moteče. Odločitev lovca je, ali bodo njegov cilj vse vrste rib, ki so dovolj velike, ali pa si bo za cilj izbral točno določeno vrsto ribe. Ta oblika lova omogoča boljše spremljanje posamezne vrste rib, če poznamo značilnosti njenega vedenja. Continued…
Smisel podvodnega ribolova in bistvo te dejavnosti je v tem, da tiho gibanje in zadrževanje sape pod vodo v obliki lova, danes človeku predstavlja nekakšno prvobitno soočenje z naravo ob preizkušanju lovskih veščin in uživanje v tem.
Zato podvodni lov na nek način zadovolji in izpolni človekovo dušo, ker nudi lepote podvodnega sveta ob hkratni koristi, če pride do ulova. Le ta predstavlja dodatno zadovoljstvo. Zato je zelo pomembno, da se podajamo na lov za ribami sproščeni, da pustimo vsakdaje skrbi in morebitne napetosti daleč proč od podvodnega ribolova.
Nasprotno pa vnašanje skrbi, jeze, slabe volje ali celo agresije v podvodni lov, ne bo prineslo pričakovanega zadovoljstva, temveč le še dodatno slabo voljo ob zgrešenem strelu ali izgubljeni ribi.
Seštevek negativnih čustev se v vodi lahko neopazno stopnjuje tako daleč, da potapljač (naj bo lovec ali apneist) ne zaznava več opozoril svojega organizma, temveč postane žrtev lastnih negativnih čustev. Vsako takšno “nasilno” potapljanje na vdih s tem postane nevarno!
Naj bo torej podvodni ribolov vsakemu lovcu v užitek, sprostitev ter veselje in dober ulov bo postal bolj verjetna posledica.
The Speargun Achilles occurred as a result of my long-standing love , that is spearfishing. A particular aspiration for designing wood and a bunch of other ideas for improving the characteristics of spear guns that a hunter somehow feels after many years of testing and fishing with different types and models of guns, led me to the decision to make spear guns myself.
That is how the idea of manufacturing my own spear gun, in which all these essential requirements were built-in, has matured. Continued…
For all my fans, there is a NEW EDITION of wooden spearguns!
I made a unique series of spearguns named “Special Edition”, which are distinguished by its completely new appearance.
Unique appearance of the new series of spearguns Achilles 90 Twin is available now in limited quantity. Outlook of the new series is designed in combination of teak and wenge wood strips in the speargun body and handle. Continued…
Mechanism: A flawless operating mechanism plays a key role for any spear gun. A simple design and reliable operation of the mechanism is the basis on which David has plotted and calculated. The mechanism is made entirely of stainless steel marked A4; a good finger sense however is complemented by the 8 mm thickness of the trigger.
Laser cutting of the steel and bending of the body on CNC machines are the guarantee for a flawless operation. By using PVC washers, the problem of salt crystallization inside moving parts has been successfully resolved. The only recommended maintenance is a periodic washing in fresh water. There is virtually no wear out and, therefore, the life of the mechanism is very long.
Since I can remember, I have felt great in the water. My diving even overtook my swimming skills, as my parents could tell. By the time I grew up, my diving only “got deeper”.
Despite the period of “Jaws”, years and years of tireless diving followed (where a high heart rate and shortness of breath were not significant), which brought me to adulthood. Continued…
The combination of noble wood, stainless steel and precise manufacturing are the basis for all models of Achilles spearguns. There are three different lengths of spearguns available, namely the length of 75, 90 and 110 cm. All spearguns are made from premium teak lamellas.
Rigorous selection and proper turning of lamellas when gluing them are two conditions for a level and stable body of the gun, which is not subject to curving. To protect the glued joints, the guns are lined with six layers of lacquer that is resistant to sea water and UV rays.
Wooden spearguns Achilles are made from teak wood, equipped with anatomically shaped handle, stainless steel AISI 316 mechanism, capacity of 330 kg with line releas, stainless steel harpoon shark-fin, best power bands, excellent reel with stainless steel holder and Dyneema rope diameter of 1.5 mm. Wooden speargun Achilles has a 6 layer coating by a two-component PU nautical varnish with UV protection.
ACHILLES ULTIMO 103 1.290,00 €
Speargun equipment:
– 3 x powerband 16,5 mm with Dyneema wishbone
– reel (TRIBAL 100) with Dyneema 1,5 mm (100 m) and Ballbearing Swifel (350 kg )
– Line Tension System
– Kite line 1,4 mm (315 kg)
– reverse trigger mech. stainless steel (AISI 316) Achilles
– Shaft tempered steel dim. 130 cm x 7 mm, 4 shark fins, double barb with double length cord
-three layers of carbon
ACHILLES ULTIMO 103 purchase options:
– Slip-tip shaft 130 cm x 7 mm …………………………..85,00 €
– Big fish set up – extra powerband system……………..75,00 €
ACHILLES MAXIMUS Please make a contact for the price info
The technical details of speargun Achilles Maximus are described here
Video of balancing in the Sea is here.
Contact: Aleš Mencinger – Menci
Phone.: +386 (0)40 229 602+386 (0)40 229 602
e-mail: achilles.spearguns (at) gmail.com
A new concept which is increasingly being used nowadays when talking about sporting achievements in freediving or apnea has its roots in ancient history and is today one of the so-called extreme sports.
I am talking about a sports activity that combines experiencing the beauty of the underwater world with experiencing oneself. With the development of organizations such as AIDA, CMAS and Apnea Academy, organised trainings of freedivers began in the late 1990’s. Continued…
Handles for the spearguns Achilles are unique because they are entirely hand made. They consist of several layers of different types of wood such as teak, wenge, oak, maple, ash, duisse, cherry …
The right choice of wood gives many opportunities for unique colour variations and combinations, giving the spear gun it’s own distinctive character, and good visibility under the water. Continued…
Most of the underwater hunters take a boat early in the morning, jump into the water and begin to hunt. However, problems soon arise with shortness of breath (apnea), that is when the need to breathe is so strong that we have the feeling that we “just can’t do it.”
No one takes the time to accustom the organs to different loads acting on the body under water. The solution is in knowing the exercises for faster performance diving reflex, which is just waiting in our bodies for someone to wake it! Continued…
Nov pojem, ki se v zadnjem času vse bolj uporablja, ko se govori o športnih dosežkih v prostem potapljanju ali apneji. Potapljanje v apneji ali prosto potapljanje (angleško freediving), ima korenine v davni preteklosti in je danes eden izmed tako imenovanih ekstremnih športov.
Govorim o športni dejavnosti, ki združuje doživljanje lepot podvodnega sveta z doživljanjem samega sebe. Z razvojem organizacij, kot so AIDA, CMAS in Apnea Academy, so se konec 90ih let pričela organizirana šolanja prostih potapljačev in lahko rečem, da se je pričela nova doba, ki s seboj prinaša vse bolj neverjetne dosežke podvodnih atletov.
Še pred nekaj leti bi bili današnji dosežki le sanje in nekaj nedosegljivega za človeško vrsto. Zato se v šali uporablja izraz homo sapiens aquaticus, ker naj bi bila takšnih dosežkov zmožna le ta “nova človeška vrsta«.
Današnji najboljši tekmovalci dosegajo 120 m globine, 250 m dolžine in skoraj 11 minut apneje v mirovanju, v disciplini No-Limits pa celo 214 m globine.
Znana imena prostega potapljanja so: Umberto Pelizzari, Jaques Mayol, Tanya Streeter, Natalia Molchanova, Tom Sietas, Patrick Musimu, Loic Leferme, Herbert Nitsch in drugi…
Večina podvodnih lovcev se zgodaj zjutraj odpelje s čolnom, skoči v vodo in prične lovit. Pojavi se težava s prekratko sapo (apnejo), oziroma preveliko zadihanostjo in občutkom, da nam “ne gre”.
Nihče si namreč ne vzame čas za privajanje svojega organizma na drugačne obremenitve, ki na telo delujejo pod vodo. Rešitev zadrege je v poznavanju vaj za hitrejše delovanje potapljaškega refleksa, ki v našem telesu le čaka, da ga nekdo prebudi!
Za naša čutila je zelo pomembno, da se vaje do 4. točke izvajajo brez maske!